Monthly Archives: August 2014

El desarrollo actual de la nueva cultura política Todos Santos, Baja California Sur México

El desarrollo actual de la nueva cultura política

Por: José Eduardo Tapia Zuckermann


Title Insurance in Mexico (Los Cabos, La Paz)

Title Insurance in Mexico


By: José Eduardo Tapia Zuckermann

Link: Insurance in Mexico and it's Contribution to Legal Certainty


Amparo Electoral Abogados en Los Cabos

El Juicio de Amparo en Materia Electoral

Por: José Eduardo Tapia Zuckermann
JEZT Law Publications

Amparo Electoral - ETZ - Jurídica - UIA #38-2008

Thomas & June Russell

"After returning from our trip to Cabo two years ago, we had second thoughts on the purchase of yet another timeshare. Blessed to have met Eduardo Tapia a few years previous, he totally closed out the property plus one other with a worry free and smooth transaction. His professionalism with his...

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Barra Mexicana de Abogados
